A 17 year old girl that writes the way she talks. - Qaisara Afiqah

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life doesn't stop

Shot in 2011. 

Have you ever wondered that sometimes, we expect too much in life. We expect the ride to run perfectly on an uphill ride but forget that life is all about the bumps along the way too. It's the bumps that make us appreciate things. It's the bumps that makes us learn most. It's the bumps that makes us stronger. It's the bumps that helps us grow in character. We will never truly appreciate real happiness without experiencing hardship. We can say whatever we want to comfort ourselves but sometimes we just have to face the fact that life isn't all rainbows and unicorns. I still remember, my mum once told me "We should be grateful for everything we have. Bila kita ingat kita susah, ada orang lagi susah dari kita." It boggles my mind day in and day out, it kept me thinking. I have to learn to appreciate what I have now. Let's be grateful for everything we have rather than ungrateful for everything we don't have. Let's not take what we have for granted. 

I'm not gonna open a new book just because shit happens. I'm just going to start a new chapter. Always bear in mind that making mistakes doesn't mean you're worthless or a burden. It means you're a human. Just don't repeat the same mistakes again. We have to do our best in life because our life is a test and when the day of judgement hit us, there's nothing left for us to do in order to save ourselves. Everything that we do now, is for the life that we're going to have in the hereafter. 

Loads of things happened in 2012. As always, for me high school was never easy. This year I was stuck at the third class of pure science with bunch of people that I barely know. But who am I to complain right? So I start being nice to them, accepting them as who they are without even judging them from where they come from and anything. And I even shocked myself of how these people bring joy and happiness in me. I'm starting to love 4 Cekal, although before this I keep complaining that the classmates were not my type. I even love my classmates, despite the fact of how I used to be picky when I'm making new friends. 

Everybody changes and it's all part of life. Are you ready to change for the better or worse? There's only one answer.

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